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President Message

It is my great privilege and honour to take over as the President of this prestigious association of snoring and sleep apnoea with like-minded people. I have served as Secretary of this association for almost 10 years.


In this forthcoming journey, I'm happy to associate with Dr. Dipanakar Datta, who is an eminent Snoring and Sleep apnoea ENT surgeon from Kolkata as Secretary of this association.


Sleep-disordered breathing is a modern-day scourge with an increasing number of patients presenting to physicians and surgeons with raised symptomatology.


Obstructive Sleep Apnoea Syndrome, its chief protagonist is a medical and surgical problem with input from several specialties.


INDIAN ASSOCIATION OF SURGEONS FOR SLEEP APNOEA was started keeping in mind the need for systematic scientific study and academic interaction between various specialities.


It gives me immense pleasure and honour that we have been associated with the World Sleep Society for the past 9 years and our members get the privilege of becoming world sleep society members and other facilities at discounted prices.


Our main aim is to develop a database of our snoring patients across India to do a multicentric study to assess the burden of these patients on our country which is one of the dreaded non-communicable diseases.

We invite members from all medical fraternity, who have an interest in snoring and sleep-disordered breathing to develop this medicine and to grow together.



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Dr. P. Vijaya Krishnan
President (2022 - 24)

Secretary Message

Sleep-disordered breathing is a modern-day scourge with an increasing number of patients presenting to physicians and surgeons with raised symptomatology.


Obstructive Sleep Apnoea Syndrome, its chief protagonist is a medical and surgical problem with input from several specialties.


INDIAN ASSOCIATION OF SURGEONS FOR SLEEP APNOEA was started keeping in mind the need for systematic scientific study and academic interaction between various specialties.


It gives me immense pleasure and honor to announce that IASSA has gone a step forward and associated with the World Sleep Congress.


It is a prestigious moment for us that World Sleep Society accredited our association as WSS's Associate Society member. They will get discounts to become a Wss membership and also in registering for their congress. We can use their logo and their accreditation in our future conferences and workshops with prior permission.


We invite membership from all medical fraternity, who have an interest in snoring and sleep-disordered breathing.


Dr. Dipankar Datta
Secretary (2022 - 2024)

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